In Coco's adventures on Caribooland, here is Coco, conquering herself, episode 238...
(All the pictures are at the bottom of the article ;))
I don't think that since I landed in Canada, I have ever appreciated this country as much as the angle from which I am rediscovering it right now. It's without ties and without conditions that I can finally enjoy this place. Almost like if it could finally begin...
To be honest, many times I thought of leaving. Quitting. Giving up everything. The pressure of having to stay in a job for at least a year. The Covid rules last year. Forcing myself to fit into boxes again, just to be able to apply for permanent residency... Many times I thought: is it really worth it?
And then often I remembered my feeling of helplessness at the end of my experience in Kiwiland. The doors of the country that seemed to have closed to me the day my work visa ended. So when I landed here almost two years ago I made a promise to myself that I would do everything I could to stay. Whatever it takes.
And in the end, the price, these last 21 months, was my freedom. And indirectly, my happiness...

After months of procrastination, it was a doctor's appointment in France that made me act. The verdict: my thyroid problems were back and in the form of that damn autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's. Nothing too bad, (despite the not so easy to live with symptoms), it's even very common as an autoimmune disease (far too common for my taste not to be questioned more). However, the idea of taking pills for life without trying to understand what is going on in my body has always revolted me, so it is with a lot of frustration and a lot of determination that I came back to Canada last May.
The last time this had happened was in 2017, the year before I left for NZ. And then I had gone to Kiwiland and had miraculously cured myself... My remedies at the time I'm sure were: travel, good food and the feeling of freedom...
Since I had finally reached the number of months required for my visa application in Canada, there was no way I was not going to try again... And so it was that when I returned from France, I finally gave my resignation.
And it is from Quadra Island, located 10 minutes by ferry from Vancouver Island, that I am writing to you today. Initially, the plan was to enjoy the summer to the fullest, to breathe and to get away from the daily stress of my job, knowing that I would have enough stress with my application for permanent residency. But, as apparently in my life, one change never comes alone, I also went through a break-up and therefore had to find a new place. Despite my roller-coaster emotions and my hyper brain that won't stop thinking, it was with my NZ mantras that I finally reconnected, approaching the situation with a bit more levity... Because "everything happens for a reason, even when you don't know it yet".

After the success of my experience at Terri's in New Zealand and my stay at Furu Hostel in the Lofoten Islands, I really wanted to try wwoofing again, and this time in Canada.
That's how I ended up staying with Lyna and Victor, a couple from Quebec who live on Quadra Island. They are in their fifties and live in a charming property. Their Quebec accent warms my heart as it reminds me of my good old north of France. :)
Lyna is this woman of a thousand colours and an overflowing generosity. Her smile and her benevolence brighten everyone's day. She is an outstanding leader, a golden fighter and an artist at heart. Victor, well Victor, he reminds me of my father. His humour, his endless curiosity and his rich knowledge... Not to mention his enthusiasm when he makes, builds or repairs things. And he has a patience that fascinates me.
In the house there is also Maï, the couple's eldest daughter, and Mylo, her 4 year old son, who have both just left the city to try life on the island. In the courtyard is Luna, their second daughter, who lives in her caravan. On the other side of the house, there is us, the "wwoofers / workawayers" or friends who have come to help with the work. There's Rob, the former photographer/videographer who now lives in his van, there's Beau, the handyman who came specifically to help the couple with their roof, and then there's me, who just arrived last week. Not forgetting Ian, the upstairs tenant, Jamaika and Bindhi, the two little dogs of the house and Tinkerbell, the cat who decided to move upstairs the day the two little canines imposed their law.
As you can see, it's a bit like Terri's house. People come in and out, there are people all the time, we are active, we move around, we build, we create. There's a lot of life and that does me a world of good.
My tasks are very varied: I help them to renovate their house, to clean, to paint, to garden... They also have an oyster farm with a cabin on another island, a little more isolated, and the idea is that we go there to renovate it too. Whether it's my work time or my time off, there's not a day that I'm bored. It's amazing the feeling of inner peace that comes from giving your time to others, simply in exchange for a roof over your head, food and, above all, a life experience.

In this very capitalist country (or should I say world?) where everything is done to make you work more and more, this break proves to me once again how much I need this time for myself. To be honest, it is when I immerse myself in this kind of experience where money has no value that I feel most connected to others, to the planet and to myself.
And then, in the past, the sea air has often allowed me to find myself. So despite a very busy July, this month is dedicated to self-reflection, rest, and reconnection with myself.
While I can't wait to share with you pictures of my crazy adventures on this island (like whale pictures and breathtaking views), I'll leave you with some pictures of my July adventures in the Kootenays. On the agenda: my first market to exhibit my paintings, my boat adventures on the lake, swimming, hiking, camping, festival, mountain biking, grizzly bear encounters, and lots and lots of time spent enjoying life, with my friends. Because when life gets tough, that's what works best for me: adventures, friends and freedom.
ahhhh, life in Canada is finally beautiful...