To leave. A few days, weeks, months, and then... a few years. I have often heard my parents' and grandparents' generation asking around me: what is this bug that has bitten you all? What is it that makes you all want to leave and travel?
This "you" was a way of including all those people who, like me, left everything behind overnight to live another life abroad.
It has almost been five years now since I first packed my backpack. Five years, seven countries... And yet, this question continues to be asked. I have tried several times through furtive conversations to list the benefits of travelling, but the more I tried to explain the more the list grew. That's how I decided to write in the first place... to share my experience of expatriate with my relatives and all those who read me. A roundabout way, perhaps, of justifying my actions, but a passion for writing that gradually became the one and only bridge of communication between the world I came from and the one I was sailing in.
For 4 years I enjoyed sharing photos and stories of my adventures on this blog www.bonnenuitetademain.com, constantly trying to deliver a part of my personal journey. Because from these physical destinations came an incredible inner journey. The journey of a 26 year old girl, now 30, in the middle of an identity crisis. An obsessive search for meaning, which often left me with my emotions in shambles. Sometimes I experienced the joy and intensity that living abroad brought me. At other times, it was the anguish that took over. If I have often dared to express it lightly through my adventures in the past, my arrival in Canada, just a year ago, has changed everything. This travel diary, which was once a great tool for introspection, has turned into a burden and an obligation. The pleasure I had in recounting my adventures and sharing my photos was no more. I took a year to think about it, publishing with increasing delay photos and texts that I found more and more empty of myself. I navigated difficult currents that I didn't even dare to talk about online anymore. This blog made less and less sense to me. It no longer offered me the ideal framework to address the subjects that were now close to my heart. I had grown up, but this blog hadn't.
This is why, a few days ago, I felt like putting it on pause. With the new year coming, I felt like this was a good opportunity for me to turn a page and to leave myself the space and the time to write a new one, which I then decided to call : www.page-emotion.com
This new blog is my way of reconnecting with myself in a framework that corresponds a bit more to the Coralie who celebrated her thirtieth birthday last February. It is the fruit of my personal discoveries and the reflection of an inner struggle I have been leading for several years. A blank page, on which I could finally mix articles about my travel of course but also and above all about Highly Sensitivity, multi-potential talents, comfort zone, creativity, climate change, grief, emotions and many other subjects that are close to my heart. A personal mishmash of my own, but one that I hope may inspire you to embark on this inner journey and allow you to fully live the life you never dared.
Because it's never too late to start living, right?
Enjoy your reading.